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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Campus Awakening Three Countries

UNIMAL Rector, Prof Dr Apridar.
ARRIVAL me this time to attend a meeting to Thailad Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Growht Triangle (IMT GT) University Network at the Institute of Southern Thai Studies, Thaksin University, Songkhla Campus, in February 2017.I landed in Penang then traveled via overland to Thailand together with the Head of General Bureau Malikussaleh University, Andriazulfa.From Indonesia, the forum followed Malikussaleh University, the University of Syiah Kuala, University of North Sumatra, Riau University, Umrah, Sriwijaya University, Andalas University, and the University of Lampung.From Malaysia, its members are the University Sains Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and the University Pendidikan Sultan Idris. While in Thailand, represented Thaksin University and Prince of Songkhla University.This time, the host of this meeting is Songkhla University. Previous host is the University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. The host in this forum are set alternately.This forum is a commitment to universities in the three countries to progress together. Build a network of innovation, technology and research, as well as other cooperation, so that all members of this forum is expected to grow up together, meet the needs of the labor market and encourage young entrepreneurs in the three countries.We know that small and medium business sector became the most powerful sectors of the country's economic buffer. Naturally, all college graduates want to be entrepreneurs, create jobs and ultimately erode unemployment in their respective countries.Indeed, every campus-oriented human resource improvement. However, in the modern era and the free market, technical skills and theory alone is not enough. Must have proficiency in foreign languages. Here, the campus in the three countries continue to work together. One of the cooperation is to hold joint training, both foreign languages, and a number of other workshops.We also encourage the exchange of inter-campus students continue to do, so keep learning climate varied.For this, certainly a necessity to have foreign language skills. Minimal Englishbecome a world language, so that the students can go to college in the three countries.I think, in this digital age, the ability of the technology to be improved. At the University of Malikussaleh I asked the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAL, to continuously upgrade the technological capabilities of students in the faculty.In general, I'm UPT Communication Center (Puskom) UNIMAL, to continue to spread the ability of technology to students in all majors. Thus, the technology is so rapid it can be adopted to facilitate her students work in the future. Lest there gaptek story (stuttering technology).At the end of this article, I am happy for regional cooperation which lasted a long time continues running. In the future, this cooperation would need to be upgraded to the wider region, such as Asean and others.Finally, let's work together for the revival of the country's three campuses, so as to pursue their university campuses in the world. Hopefully it is blessed. | APRIDAR

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