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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Trump Equate Refugees With Terrorists, Hollywood actor Emotions

Sunday, February 12, 2017ARRAHMAHNEWS.COM, BERLIN - ACTOR Richard Gere, 67, has strongly criticized the new president of the United States Donald Trump. Men are famous by the movie Pretty Woman, said Trump has spread fear with a lot of words that identifies the refugees with terrorists."It is a serious crime, linking the two. Refugees are those who seek asylum, who needs help, "Gere said in a news conference in Berlin, Germany, yesterday."The word 'refugee' used to be someone who wants to help and protect us," said Gere. "Now we fear them. Combining both meanings it is the biggest crime. Two words that are considered the same thing in the US right now. "Gere expressed this opinion after Trump issued a policy prohibiting travel on refugees and members of the seven Muslim-majority country on 27 January.It is said Gere, the number of hate crimes in the US as a result of significantly increased since Trump started to run for president. He said it firmly feetival after attending a movie. "He is a leader disseminators of fear."Gere said Trump is someone who does not have a clear substance in action and attitude. "Just like a burger without content," said Gere.President Trump, said Gere, has made patience a lot of US citizens and the world reaches peak limit. He described Trump as someone who is not very useful and handy with assuming, Trump as foods containing no nutrition."With him, there is no meat in there, no protein in it," said Gere.Gere says he is optimistic about the US state that will not be defeated by the bad influence Trump. That he believes as more demonstration against Trump across the US."There are millions of people in the streets of New York. It was not a demonstration of angry. It was a positive demonstration with the same purpose. "[ARN]

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