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Thursday, February 16, 2017

SBY Shocked !!! After Backward Agus Do I Go To Military Military District: It Options

Jakarta - Major Agus Harimurti is currently in the process of resigning from the Army following his nomination as a candidate by the Coalition for Jakarta governor Cikeas. If the Jakarta gubernatorial election later Agus lose, then he can not go back into its armed forces.It is stated in the Letter of TNI Commander Telegram No. ST / 983/2016 dated August 9, 2016. Letter Telegram has provisions and procedures of Pileg and elections for Members of the military and civil servants as derived from Act No. 34 of 2004 on the TNI, Law No. 8 of 2012 on General Election of DPR, DPD and DPRD. Then also the Law No. 10 Year 2016 concerning the elections.Based on the written statement Puspen TNI received by AFP on Friday (09/23/2016), ST explained a number of things. The first that members of the military and civil servants who run as candidates or to follow the election should make a letter of resignation from members of the military or military civil servants."The letter of resignation is irrevocable," the letter Telegram TNI chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo as written in the press release Puspen TNI.TNI soldiers or civil servants who resigned to follow Pileg or elections will be honorably discharged. Then members of the TNI and TNI civil servants who have been designated as candidates for election participants shall submit the Decision of Dismissal of soldierly duty TNI and TNI PNS dismissal decree no later than 60 days from the set as candidate elections to the KPU."If not elected to the legislative and local elections, the question can not be returned to the military and military civil servants," said the TNI Commander in a letter telegram.The letter also prohibit TNI soldiers or civil servants who follow elections Pileg or use attributes as well as military facilities.As is known Major Agus is currently still serving as Danyonif 203 / Arya Kemuning under the Jakarta Military ranks. She was nominated as will Cagub by the Democratic Party (PD), PAN, PKB and PPP.Kapendam Jaya Colonel Heri Prakosa called the Military District respect the decisions taken Agus. He also ensured that the eldest son of coriander PD Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that they have no official ties to the military."It was his life choice. We follow the rules. Kan can come to the elections or Pileg origin who resign from members of the military," Heri said when contacted on Friday (09/23/2016)."And do not get pulled back in. If you lose, you already can not be a soldier anymore," he added.Major Agus was reportedly in the process of resignation to the military. Agus and will cawagubnya, Sylviana Murni plan will be enrolled into the city Election Commission tonight.(Ear / ERD)

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